Ananda Kanan Summer Conference (July 1 – July 7, 2018)

A week of Joy and Bliss in Ananda Kanan where everyone immerses in meditation and spirituality. Under the clear blue sky, dazzlingly sun, and surrounded by the beautiful nature, from the east coast to west coast all margiis and acharyas come together as one to share the spiritual vibration, devotion, positive energy, and love.

It is the annual conference that we always have in New York Sector. Aside from the constant spiritual practices, the program is filled with different interesting activities. A very inspiring spiritual and philosophy classes were delivered by Dada Rudrananda and Dada Diiptimananda about ‘Yoga and Bhakti’, ‘Adarsha and Ista’, and ‘The Neo-Humanism of Sadvipra’. A better understanding of the philosophy helps deepen the spiritual practices and increases our devotion.

A specialty of this Summer Conference has been the regular yoga classes with different themes for each class such as Yoga for flexibility, Yoga for peaceful mind, Yoga to strengthen the heart chakra, Yoga for digestion, Yoga for woman’s problem, etc. The classes were delivered by Didi Ananda Acira, Didi Ananda Rainjana, and Dada Satyamitrananda. The participants were very excited to join each class because they were not only doing the yoga practice but also they were getting extra knowledge connected with the theme.

We had a very fun Ananda Mela, with different kind of sports, a scavenger hunt, and games.
The RAWA program was filled by different performance and highlighted by the youngster such as beautiful yoga dance (by Akileshvarii and Svastiika), prabhat samgiit dance (by Saomya and Yudhistira), drama, drawing show, karate show (by Trimurti and Rajdiip), flute by Miira, devotional songs (by Deviika and Yudhistira), and Prabhat Samgiit songs (by Mohini, Bhagavanti), and still more presentations.

Other programs that were also inspiring included the Katha kiirtan, sharing the devotional stories every night, Baba’s video, discussion on Ananda Marga philosophy, kaoshikii tandava competition, and bonfire which made our feeling warmer.

The incredible views of nature, chirping birds, fresh air, lakeside, sentient diet, and smiles accompanied our everyday life in Ananda Kanan and will be unforgettable. Every one of us enjoyed all programs and the tunnel kiirtan during the closing ceremony was a very touching end in which we all felt special, filled with Love and Joy.

Everyone left Ananda Kanan with inspiration, fully charged with spiritual energy, ready to bring all the practices in our everyday life, spread the mission, and share the blissful feelings with everyone we meet.