Our five-day meditation retreat at Ananda Kanan in Missouri (July 17 - 21) was a profoundly inspiring experience. Each day was filled with deep chanting, meditation, yoga, and philosophical classes, enriching our spiritual practice.
From October 4-6, a Women’s Retreat at Ananda Dhiira brought together 15 women for a weekend of yoga, meditation, and empowering workshops. Sessions on confidence, self-defense, resilience, and fermentation fostered personal growth and unity. The retreat created a supportive, judgment-free space, leaving participants feeling uplifted and inspired.
Ac. Shiilabhadrananda Avadhuta, Sectorial Society Building Secretary and Regional Secretary for Vancouver, conducted introductory classes and seminars in Denver, Whitehorse, Edmonton, and Vancouver between May and October 2024. He also produces content for Ananda Marga’s Instagram and YouTube channels, including 19 videos for a new e-course for margiis.
Dada Kovid is managing the after-school program at New York Sectorial Office. They currently have seven children enrolled. Dada picks...
Brother Mangal Dev, Avt. Ananda Acira Ac. and Ac. Diiptimanananda Avt. organized a hiking and backpacking tour in the Lake Tahoe area, California from July 24 - 28 with the participation of eleven adults, Maungal Dev’s son, and his dog. All participants had previously attended meditation retreats organized by Didi Ananda Acira and Dada Diiptimanananda.
Ac. Parinirvanananda Avt. spent the summer traveling across the United States, visiting various locations including Florida and Alabama. One of the highlights of his journey was a visit to Huntsville, Alabama, where he met with a group of senior Indian-American scientists, doctors, and professors.
In the WWD New York Office, the Didis organize a three-hour Akhanda Kiirtan every third Saturday. Usually, 10-15 Margiis attend...
The New York Sectorial Office after-school program (LEAD) has been going well since August. We had summer camp with full-day...