Central America Updates – Guatemala

Central America Updates

After years without any acarya posted to Central America, we now have two dada’s working in the region. Dada Ananda arrived in August as the new DS (Diocese Secretary), and in December, the new RS (Regional Secretary), Dada Satyamitrananda, arrived.
Both are in Guatemala City Jagriti, which has been empty for about two years. A long-overdue cleaning has just finished where 25 big garbage bags with dirt and trash have been liberated. A new water tank has been installed, and further renovation is starting. Initial discussions with the local margiis about a service project and development of the Master Unit have taken place. Let’s see what plans Baba has for this potential region.

Dada Ananda Brc. and Dada Satyamitrananda in the DC hall of Guatemala Jagrti
After Dharma Cakra at Guatemala Jagrti. Didi Ananda Kalyanmitra also came for a visit to Guatemala.