Jatakarma Ceremony of Paramananda and other New York News

Baby Naming Ceremony for Paramananda son of Raman and Lyuba was attended by Acarya Shankarananda Avadhuta , Avadhutika Ananda Kalyanmitra and Acarya Diiptimanananda Avadhuta together with the margi of Brooklyn and Staten Island. The beautiful images received tell about everything of the joyful ceremony. Welcome to Paramananda in the Ananda Marga Family. 

But the news from New York don’t end here … here below the group photo from the Akhanda Kiirtan of the first Sunday of the month which was very well attended and participated.

… and finally a tribute for the special presence we enjoyed in New York Jagrti by Sandiip who came visiting from Gujarat and became soon a dearest brother for all.