Welcome to the Online Spiritual Festival, November 11 – 13, 2022!
We hope you find time to join this exciting online program that will feature classes and workshops on PROUT, devotional topics, Neohumanistic Education, as well as Katha Kiirtana, a presentation from WWD (Women’s Welfare Department) and Master Units.
During the Pandemic, we mainly were doing online programs. We realized that the online format has many benefits, such as having presenters from various areas, affordability, and ease of attending for the Margiis. The Spiritual Festival last year was especially inspiring, and we are therefore continuing this online program.
[ct_button url=”https://docs.google.com/document/d/15sCq0SavCFX44pgrqh7igVCoLf0VZWRIOa810mg_aG8/edit?usp=sharing” color=”#FFFFFF” background=”#d54e21″ gradient=”#f78f1e” description=”Click Here” size=”medium” position=”center” icon=”” target=”” rel=””]Schedule for the Spiritual Festival (Google Doc)[/ct_button]
Registration and Donations
Please fill out the registration form here below. Once you submit the registration form, you will get the Zoom link for the online programs. The Spiritual Festival is a free event, but please consider donating to support Ananda Marga, the organizers, and contributors. The suggested donation is $35, but you are welcome to attend for free or donate more or less.