Ananda Marga Clubs cultivate and give expression to human desires and aspirations that are so fundamental in the youths and in the adults:
University Clubs of Yoga and Meditation
At present there are three University Clubs :
- Queens College Yoga and Meditation Club in New York
- Carton University Yoga and Meditation Club in Ottawa
- University of Ottawa Yoga and Meditation Club in Ottawa
Each Club have its own Board and Ananda Marga assist their formation and running activities inspiring the students to conduct an healthy and productive life.
Contact Acarya Diiptimanananda Avadhuta for more information and involvement:
P.M.S.A. and P.W.S.A. Clubs
(Progressive Man Spiritual Association and Progressive Woman Spiritual Association)
A P.W.S.A. Club have opened in Denver and more are promising to come soon.
Contact Avadhutika Aparajiita Acarya for more information and involvement:
S.S.A.C. Clubs (Spiritual Sports and Adventurers Club)
S.S.A.C. Club are devoted to the cultivation of human vigor and discipline in the light of building a society based on morality and spirituality.
Contact Acarya Anudhyanananda Avadhuta for more information and involvement
R.U. and R.A.W.A. Clubs
(Renaissance Universal Club and Renaissance of Artists and Writers Association)
R.U. Clubs are intended to bring a New Renaissance in the fields of education and humanities in general.
R.A.W.A Clubs are intended to support artists and writers fostering their ideals and helping them to create the economic resorces that sometimes are so much needed in order to fulfill their aspirations and subtle endeavors.
We consider art not for art sake rather we must encourage Art for Service and Blessedness.
Contact Acarya Iishvarakrsnananda Avadhuta for more information and Involvement: