image by Phoenix777

Mexico Relief Update

(Credit: Graph by Phoenix777)

The 2017 Central Mexico earthquake struck at 13:14 CDT (18:14 UTC) on 19 September 2017 with an estimated magnitude of Mw 7.1 and strong shaking for about 20 seconds. Its epicenter was about 55 km (34 mi) south of the city of Puebla. The earthquake caused damage in the Mexican states of Puebla and Morelos and in the Greater Mexico City area, including the collapse of more than 40 buildings. 370 people were killed by the earthquake and related building collapses, including 228 in Mexico Cityand more than 6,000 were injured. (Source Wikipedia)

At distance of four months local volunteers and Margii are still engaged in relief and welfare activities as documented in the images below:

A group of Seniors of Cuernavaca which includes Margii and sympatizers are receiving weekly classes of meditation and philosophy of Ananda Marga.

The cloths are sorted and washed before being delivered to the communities in the State of Morelos.

Temporary shelter which have received a donation of mattreses, bed sheets, blankets and clothing from Ananda Marga.

Sister Malati is coordinating a group of volunteer in the shelter.

Group of Margii and sympathizers in the Public Hospital which have been badly damaged by the earthquake.