Renovations at Ananda Dham Master Unit (Organic Peach Farm)

Ananda Dham (Organic Peach Farm) is a Master Unit and spiritual center of Ananda Marga in Los Angeles County near Lake Hughes. We are currently renovating the old farmhouse and preparing it for receiving guests, hosting Dharma Cakra, and other activities. Dada Pramoditananda lives at Ananda Dham and is doing most of the work himself. Dada Diiptimanananda is assisting him from time to time.
We had to replace the west external wall of the house due to dry rot and old leaks. The house now has a new wall, and the interior room is well underway, with some more work required to complete the project. Dada Pramoditananda has done most of the work with some help from volunteers.
SS Dada Abhiramanandaji, Dada Diiptimanananda and brother Girish visited the farm in December 2021.

We are raising funds for completing the renovations. You can contribute on Facebook:

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Please mention that it is for Ananda Dham (Peach Farm)

Brother Pavan helped with demolishing and rebuilding the west exterior wall. There was dry rot in the structure, so it had to be removed.
The wall is rebuilt, a new window installed, and Dada Pramoditananda is attaching the house wrap for humidity protection.
The interior walls and ceiling had to be removed and replaced with proper insulation and drywall.
Dada Diiptimanananda and brother Girish visited Ananda Dham and helped with painting the concrete boards for the exterior of the wall.
Dada Pramoditananda (left), SS Dada Abhiramananda (middle), and brother Girish (right.) It was a rainy day at Ananda Dham.
Ananda Dham has rich wildlife. An owl couple lives in the old barn.
Ananda Dham seen from above
Ananda Dham MU is on the left of this picture