Serving the homeless in San Jose – California

The unit of Los Altos Hills has taken the initiative to organize a food distribution program at St. James Park in San Jose. Since many years margi in the Bay Area have done food collection and distribution at different locations including San Jose. Ananda Marga is known as a service organization besides teaching yoga and meditation free of charge. In San Jose there are an estimated 4.500 homeless which makes the city the fourth in the USA for homeless population.

A team of acaryas and three margi organized the service on Friday January 6 at noon. Since early morning collection and food preparation had everybody engaged in one flow and finally when the team arrived to the Park the distribution happened in a natural way to around 50 homeless gathered around the Park.

Monika was Vietnam helped in the distribution. She has been taking active care of the homeless in St. James Park after being homeless herself. She narrated her story inviting us to continue in the service every Friday at noon.


Most homeless appreciated the cooked warm food and above all the personal attention received in their born languages which included English, Spanish, French and Italian. In the picture Dada Dayashiilananda talking in French with an homeless from Canada.