Spring Retreat and Ananda Purnima at Ananda Kalpataru MU, Boston Region

Ananda Marga New York Sector has recently conducted a Spring Retreat at Ananda Kalpataru Master Unit in Connecticut from May 4 – 7, 2023. The retreat started on Thursday, May 4, with the help of the Margiis of Boston, New York, New Jersey, and Washington, DC. 

In 2021, the Sector bought a new Master Unit, called Ananda Kalpataru, in Connecticut, near the Sectorial Office in New York, Boston, and the famous Harvard University. This Master Unit is very strategically located in New York Sector. The MU committee has been working from April 2021 until now, and good progress has been made under the leadership of SS NY Ac, Abhiramananda Avt., Brother Timir Prabhakar, Sister Shefali, Ac Kovid Brc (RS and MU in-charge) along with Ac. Druva, Ac. Diiptimanananda Avt., Naveen Joshi, Sanjeev Ahuja, Shiv Kumar Singh, and numbers of sympathizers and Margiis of the Sector. 

The main organizers for the Spring Retreat were brother Timir, sister Shefali, Avtk. Ananda Acira Ac., Ac. Kovid Brc., Ac. Dhruva, Ac. Diiptimanananda Avt, and Ac. Abhiramananda Avt. Brother Piyush organized the food, Ac. Iishvarakrsnananda Avt. the RAWA programs and other Acaryas and Margiis helped in various ways to make this program successful. 

Collective photo after laying the foundation stone

We successfully organized Ananda Purnima and Spring Retreat this year at Ananda Kalpataru MU. Each and every Margii was inspired and encouraged to see the progress and development of the MU. The committee has planned so that everybody felt welcomed, encouraged, motivated, and inspired to enter the campus of the MU. Therefore, Brother Timir and SS Dada planned to clear one acre of land, and 1500 feet of road has been constructed by placing gravel for the smooth passing of cars to the camping area. So everybody felt comfortable reaching the camp where all the events were conducted. The accommodation was at a nearby motel, and the Kiirtana and other programs took place under rented tents, mostly at Ananda Kalpataru but the early morning and night programs at the motel. It was rainy and cool in the morning and night for the first two days but warmed up on Saturday and Sunday. The fresh spring air was refreshing at Ananda Kalpataru, and the children enjoyed playing in the paved recreation area surrounded by forest.

All brothers and sisters in the Master Unit thoroughly enjoyed the four days of celebration. The organizers arranged the programs, accommodations, and food so that everybody was thrilled and inspired. The accommodation was rented within 20-minute radius of the Master Unit. 

Brother Piyush Patel digging for the foundation stone

Our sympathizer, Piyush Patel, came from New Jersey to Connecticut to visit the Master Unit. We organized a foundation stone ceremony on Saturday, May 6, 2023, at 3 p.m. (for Bhumi Pujan). All the Margiis, brothers, and sisters participated. Ac. Dhruva started by chanting the mantra of the ceremony, and brother Piyush Patel laid the first stone for the progress of Ananda Kalpataru. It was a successfully conducted program, and everybody shared their good wishes and got the blessings of Baba for the progress of Ananda Kalpataru. Overall, the program was conducted very well, and everybody enjoyed the food and sadhana, hiking, fun, and the wide blissful campus of Ananda Kalpataru Master Unit. Some of our neighbors came over to participate in the public program and enjoyed a yoga and meditation class by Ac. Kovid Brc., lunch, ice cream, and relaxing at Ananda Kalpataru.

Also, special attention was made to decorating a small shed for Baba’s room as a nucleus for Baba’s presence and his divine love and blessing emanating from this room. Everybody was inspired and encouraged to celebrate Babaś birthday on May 5, 2023, to get a strong blessing from Ananda Vanii and any Margiis, along with young children, sang Prabhata Samgiita, Kiirtan and meditated and thoroughly enjoyed Babaś birthday. It was a historical program that was conducted at Ananda Kalpataru; I appreciate and recognize on behalf of the Sector all the brothers and sisters of the Sector, especially the Boston Margiis brother Piyush, sister Abha, brother Manish, Sister Tapasii, Sister Shefali, and brother Timir. Their active participation was appreciated. I wish all the best to their families, and Baba bless their families and responsibilities.

Didi Ananda Radhika (right) and Didi Ananda Hitaprabha
Didi Ananda Acira (left), Didi Ananda Sutiirtha (second left), Didi Ananda Hitaprabha, and Didi Ananda Radhika.
Dada Diiptimanananda
Ac. Dhruva reading the Laying the Foundation Stone blessing
The Margiis planted raspberry bushes at Ananda Kalpataru
Didi Ananda Radhika gave a class on the categories of devotion (Bhakti)
Class time under a rented tent at Ananda Kalpataru. The cleared land is in the background.
Acarya Abhiramananda Avadhuta giving a talk after Dharma Cakra
Laying the Foundation Stone Ceremony
Didi Ananda Hitaprabha and Didi Ananda Acira singing Kiirtana before lunch
Ananda Kalpataru banner and flowers
Akhanda Kiirtana on Ananda Purnima
Margiis participate in the foundation stone ceremony