Hurricane Helene transformed the serene landscape of Asheville (North Carolina, Atlanta Region, New York Sector) and surrounding areas into a...
In September 2024, Acarya Abhiramananda Avadhuta and other Ananda Marga representatives played a pivotal role in forging connections with various community leaders and officials. These efforts underscored the importance of outreach in spreading Ananda Marga’s message and deepening relationships with diverse communities.
AMURT works with AMURT & AMURTEL chapters throughout Europe for the Ukrainian humanitarian response that offers basic necessities and psycho-social...
AMURT in Nepal May 2017 Enterprising Women Tailors The Pourakhi Tailoring shop is a new business in Khadichour market. It...
On June 21, 2024, Ananda Marga representatives, including several Acaryas, participated in the International Day of Yoga Celebrations at the United Nations. This event highlighted yoga’s global significance as a practice for promoting peace, well-being, and unity across cultures. The gathering at the UN emphasized yoga’s universal appeal and its potential to foster harmony in an increasingly divided world.
We welcome Didi Ananda Radhika and Dada Shiilabhadrananda to the Sector! Having them will be a great boon for New...
Dharma Maha Sammelan (DMS) is a unique gathering where the spiritual head of Ananda Marga, the Purodha Pramukha, chairs and addresses...
Dear Brothers and Sisters Namaskar Acarya Ramananda Avadhuta left his mortal body yesterday midnight. It is a know fact that ” which...