Meet the Nuns and Monk of Ananda Marga during their November/December Tour in Los Angeles and Bay Area!
Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) is a Non-Profit Spiritual Organization dedicated to the motto “Self-realization and Service to Humanity”. We promote physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing by meditation, yoga, sentient vegetarian diet and other aspects of yogic lifestyle.
A team of three monks and two nuns is coming to California from November 21st to December 2nd, 2016 to tour the West Coast and conduct different programs.
Having many years of experience in the fields of Yoga, Meditation and Relief work we would like to share our knowledge with the community, connect with groups and organizations that are seeking for transformation, spiritual empowerment and a healthy way of living.
West Coast Travel Plans:
Nov. 21 – 24 Los Angeles
Nov. 26 – 27 Bay Area
November 28 – 30 Sacramento/Grass Valley
Dec 1 – 4 Bay Area
Meditation Retreat: Dec 3 and 4 at 27160 Moody Rd, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
For Further Information Please Contact:
Bay Area:
Acarya Diiptimanananda Avadhuta
Phone: (718) 898-1603, mobile (929) 257-8099
Los Angeles:
Acarya Anudhyanananda Avadhuta
Email: / Mobile: (570) 445-5883
Sacramento/Grass Valley:
Avadhutika Ananda Kalyanmitra Acarya
Phone: (530) 432-3618, mobile: (530) 615-9529