Inauguration new Ananda Marga center in Houston, Texas

Ananda Marga in Houston opens a new center. The inauguration took place on April 30 2017 at the presence of Acarya Abhiramananda Avadhuta, Sectorial Secretary of Ananda Marga in New York Sector. Margi from Houston and from Dallas participated together with several Acaryas from New York Sector. Acarya Satyamitrananda Avadhuta came from Mexico and Acarya Iishvarakrsnananda Avadhuta, Acarya Anudhyanananda Avadhuta and Avadhutika Ananda Sutiirtha from USA.

The new center will function as a meditation and wellness center in a newly constructed residential complex. Thanks to the Margi of Houston and to the dedication of the Acaryas that have made possible this important accomplishment.