Acarya Parinirvanananda Avt. Summer pracar in the United States

Ac. Parinirvanananda Avt. spent the summer traveling across the United States, visiting various locations including Florida and Alabama. One of the highlights of his journey was a visit to Huntsville, Alabama, where he met with a group of senior Indian-American scientists, doctors, and professors. During this gathering, Dada introduced the teachings of Ananda Marga and performed Prabhata Samgiita. The community responded with enthusiasm, expressing great interest in learning more. As a result, they purchased approximately $600 worth of books, including titles on Neo-Humanism, Elementary Philosophy, Caryacarya Part 2, and the Guide to Human Conduct.

Dada also met with an agricultural scientist from Himachal Pradesh, now residing in the USA, along with his brother, a retired U.S. Army officer. Upon his return to Canada, Acarya Parinirvanananda has continued his outreach work, organizing monthly mass feedings in downtown Toronto in collaboration with community members, demonstrating his ongoing commitment to service and spiritual upliftment.