Ananda Marga Canada Summer Seminar 2017
Séminaire Estival 2017 d’Ananda Marga
August 4 – 6, 2017
du 4 – 6 Août, 2017
Retreat Location:
67, montée Saint-André
Saint-Sixte (Québec) J0X 3B0
Ananda Kanak Master Unit:
323 Rang Saint Louis,
Saint-André-Avellin, QC J0V 1W0, Canada
Registration and information:
Renseignements et inscription:
Dada Parinirvanananda tel. (416)859-8930
Dada Diiptimanananda tel. +1 (718)898-1603
Dada Dayashiilananda tel. +1 (819) 962-6219
Didi Ananda Rupadhara tel. 613 – 8694133
Ananda Marga Canada Summer Seminar
The Summer Seminar is held every year at a small retreat center called SAJO, very near to Ananda Kanak Master Unit in Quebec, Canada. Ananda Kanak and SAJO are about one hour drive from Ottawa, the capital of Canada. The retreat site is located in the Canadian forest with pine trees, birch and other native trees and has shared accommodation for the participants. Space is limited so contact early to register and secure your spot! Camping is also possible at the Ananda Kanak Master Unit, about 7 minutes drive from SAJO.
The Seminar is a family gathering with classes, kiirtana, meditation and other spiritual practices.
The retreat site is available from Friday August 4 at 5 p.m. to Sunday August 6, 5 p.m. We will announce the details of the schedule later but the programs will start with Dharma Cakra at 6 p.m. on Friday and finish after lunch by 3 p.m. on Sunday.