Acarya Shiilabhadrananda Avadhuta Pracar in Vancouver Region

Ac. Shiilabhadrananda Avadhuta is the Sectorial Society Building Secretary and Regional Secretary (RS) Vancouver. During this period (May to October 2024), he visited Denver, Whitehorse, Edmonton, and Vancouver.

Introductory classes for beginners were conducted in Whitehorse and Edmonton. In each place, the average attendance was five people. He gave a seminar in Denver that benefited five people. And another similar seminar was given in Vancouver where in seven people benefited.

Dada has been making Instagram reels for the Ananda Marga Instagram channel, which are getting many views. He continues to make videos for the YouTube channel Meditation Steps. So far, Dada has completed 19 of the 34 videos for an e-course for new margiis.