International Yoga Day 2023

International Yoga Day 2023 was celebrated in June in New York and different places. Ananda Marga was one of the organizations invited to programs organized by the United Nations and the Consulate of India at White Plains, Times Square in Manhattan in New York, and Floral Park in Long Island.

International Yoga Day was also organized at the New York Sectorial Office. Brother Dileep, the chairman of the World Yoga Community, was the guest, and other organizations also participated, as well as members of Ananda Marga and Acaryas. The International Yoga Day programs were highlighted in numerous global news channels, particularly at the United Nations grounds, in front of the U.N. Building in New York. Prime Minister Modi was the chief guest at that program, visiting from India. There were more than 3,500 participants. Hundreds of yoga organizations, spiritual organizations, civil society and NGOs, their followers, and youngsters participated. U.N. International Yoga Day was widely spread all over the world. It was a historical moment for Ananda Marga at the United Nations. For the first time, the national channels of India, India Today, Times Now, Republic Harat, and other U.S. national media broadcasted the news electronically worldwide. The news and video coverage were also highlighted in the social media, Facebook, Instagram, and the AM society worldwide. Thousands of Margiis in India were inspired by the news that was broadcasted from the United Nations, New York, where the Ananda Marga Acaryas headed by the Sectorial Secretary Acarya Abhiramananda Avadhuta along with Acarya Shankarananda Avadhuta, Ac. Kovid Brc. and Avtk. Ananda Hitaprabha Ac. Numerous photographs were taken, and many organizations were met during the program. 

Art of Living, headed by Shrii Ravi Shankar and his team of teachers, navigated and directed the gathering. One of the prominent members of Art of Living of New York, USA, Miss Annalise, met with Ananda Marga. She was so happy to see us. We also met with Ravi Shankar online and congratulated each other. He invited us to Washington, DC. Thank you to everyone for supporting Ananda Marga. 

President of India, Narendra Modi, attended the International Yoga Day event at the United Nations. Acarya Abhiramananda Avadhuta gave him a Namaskar, and he returned the Namaskar!
Acarya Abhiramananda Avadhuta (Sectorial Secretary and General Secretary of Ananda Marga gave a Namaskar to Pres. Narendra Modi.
Acarya Kovid Brahmacarii (left), Ac. Shankarananda Avt. (middle) and Ac. Abhiramananda Avt. at Times Square, Manhattan, during the International Yoga Day
International Yoga Day program at the New York Sectorial Office
International Yoga Day program at White Plains, New York.
TV interview with Ac. Abhiramananda Avt. during the Yoga Day.
Ananda Marga Acaryas at the Indian Consulate in New York.
Ananda Marga had a stall at some of the events with display of Ananda Marga books and honey from Ananda Kalpataru Master Unit.