Winter Retreat was successfully organized at Ananda Vrati Master Unit from December 28 to January 1, 2024, and attended by 45 Margiis and Wholetimers. The main organizers were Avtk. Ananda Acira Ac., Ac. Diiptimanananda Avt., and Ac. Anudhyanananda Avt. and all the local New York Acaryas and Margiis helped make the retreat successful – Avtk. Ananda Radhika Ac., Avtk. Ananda Hitaprabha Ac., Ac. Kovid Brc. and Ac. Dhruva.
The highlights of the programs were daily Akhanda Kiirtana and nine hours of Akhanda Kiirtana into the New Year—a total of twenty-four hours of Akhanda Kiirtana plus regular Dharma Cakra and other spiritual programs. The retreat was highly vibrated, and the weather was pleasant, with some rain, sun, and snow on the new year.
Ac. Dhruva and Manish Dev gave a class on PROUT on December 31, Avtk. Ananda Radhika gave a spiritual class on December 29, and Ac. Diiptimanananda Avt. and Ac. Kovid Brc. facilitated a workshop dedicated to the organizational and personal goals of the Margiis and workers for the year 2024. The Katha Kiirtana, RAWA evening program, reading of New Year’s Ananda Vanii, and other spiritual programs were also well attended and appreciated.