Seminar and Retreat in Canada

From August 2 – 4, 2024, Ananda Marga Canada organized a summer seminar at SAJO, near Ananda Kanak MU. The event brought together Margiis from Montreal, Ottawa, and the Greater Toronto area for a weekend of spiritual learning and connection. Acarya Diiptimanananda Avt., Ac. Anudhyanananda Avt., and Ac. Iishvarakrsnananda Avt. traveled from the U.S. to join the seminar, alongside Ac. Dayashiilananda Avt. and Ac. Parinirvanananda Avt., who were instrumental in organizing the program. Ac. Diiptimanananda Avt. was the seminar trainer and gave all three seminar classes and organizational review. Ac. Anudhyanananda Avt. organized Katha Kiirtana and Ac. Iishvarakrsnananda Avt. organized Dharma Cakras and gave spiritual talks.

Throughout the seminar, participants took part in three educational classes focused on spiritual development and the philosophy of Ananda Marga. The event also featured inspiring activities, including Katha Kiirtana and Akhanda Kiirtana, which created a deeply devotional atmosphere. During free time, attendees enjoyed walks in nature and the peaceful surroundings of a nearby lake, where they kayaked using the equipment provided by the SAJO facility.